What will be possible
This platform will be a trading platform, where money is forbidden.
You can only use money for this website it's self, but not on products or services by other members. This website will be a social platform where you can trade with unknown people, or only trade with people you know. What makes retrade-it, retrade-it is the following:
The aspects
- 1. Trade quicker than ever before, because you don't have to pick up the product*
- 2. Form a community with people you know.
- 3. Rate other members, to have a trustworthy environment.
- 4. Only post Retrade-it related business. We don't want a picture of your birthday party.
- 5. Create a profile and get as much connections as you can
- 6. Invite only! We don't want everyone to sign up, so you can invite 10 people you love. But no scammers can sign up